InputImport Input: The main component to display an input. Usage import {Input} from '@openlite/ui' function App() { return( <Input placeholder="Email" /> ) } Examples Rounded import {Input} from '@openlite/ui' function App() { return( <> <Input rounded="none" placeholder="Email" /> <Input rounded="sm" placeholder="Email" /> <Input rounded="md" placeholder="Email" /> <Input rounded="lg" placeholder="Email" /> </> ) } Border import {Input} from '@openlite/ui' function App() { return( <> <Input border="none" placeholder="Email" /> <Input border="sm" placeholder="Email" /> <Input border="md" placeholder="Email" /> <Input border="lg" placeholder="Email" /> </> ) } API Input Props PropsTypeDescriptionrounded'none' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' The rounded of the input.border'none' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' The border of the input.PreviousDropdownNextLabel